Thursday, 26 March 2015

Glammed up my phone

I am quite probably one of the clumsiest people ever, so a case to protect my phone is a necessity. Protecting my phone shouldn't have to be ugly though and I don't want to pay a fortune!
So while at the pub (the best place to talk about phone cases) my best friend showed me her new phone case. I've struggled to find nice phone cases for my phone in the past. It always seems to be difficult to find nice cases if you don't own an iPhone or Samsung. I have the Nokia Lumia 1020, the issue with this phone is the massive camera stuck on the back. For a phone camera it is incredible at 41 megapixels but it does protrude a lot from the back of the phone. 

Therefore, most phone cases I had previously found were very plain with no 

particular design that would be cut off by the camera. My friend also has a Nokia, a different one though, and she suggested having a look on eBay at the head case cases. I had heard of these cases but always had the impression that they would be expensive for what is essentially a bit of plastic. However, my friend told me she hadn't paid a lot for hers and it was definitely worth a look.
So off I went doing a search on eBay. I was so pleasantly surprised! Not only were there cases for my phone, there were HUNDREDS of pretty, funky and cool cases for my phone. There was so much choice.
Most of the cases were priced at £4.95 which is more than fair to stop bashing my phone about! So after a lot of scrolling through designs I finally decide which one to go for. I chose one with a vintage looking pale blue, floral pattern and a large grey 'A'. (As much as I got it as my initial it is also slightly to do with my Pretty Little Liars obsession)

Once I received my new case I decided that purple phone tiles did not suit it at all, so I started to have a play around with my phone's settings. I discovered that I could set a photo to be spread across the tiles on my home screen. This was perfect as none of the colour options were an amazing match for the blue colour on my case. I found a photo of the image printed on the phone case and set that as the image for my tiles. I also reshuffled my app tiles so that the image would be seen well. The front of my phone matches the back!

However, its only been about 2 weeks since I received my case and its already cracked!! 
First the corners cracked off and I just thought fine, it may have been dropped. Then I woke up one morning and its cracked along the side where the buttons are. I really have no idea how that happened because its been while I was asleep and my phone wasn't touched at all!
So I'm going to give it a go glueing the crack to see if it will hold out.
I really love the design of this case and I'm absolutely gutted it hasn't stood the test of time. Fingers crossed a bit of glue will do the trick.

What do you do to protect your phone? Have you managed to get any pretty cases?


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