Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Gimme Brow Dupe!!

Whilst on my break at work I nipped into Wilkinsons to see if they had any of my hair dye. Fortunately, me being me, I can't walk into any shop that sells make-up without having a peak at the stands. I headed over to the Essence stand because I do love a bargain. After a couple of minutes staring lustfully at their new nude collection my eyes wandered down to the brow products. 
Since Benefit launched Gimme Brow and I had it put on me at work I have loved it. I have very fair eyebrows with very sparse hairs, so without product they are practically invisible. So when I heard that this product added colour and contained fibres to fill in the brows I just had to have it. 
Naked Brows

I am by no means a brow expert and I know the shape and how I do them could be improved drastically, I'm still getting used to using brow products. Gimme Brow has definitely become my go-to product as it is so easy to use.

However, at £18.50 it is pretty pricey considering I need a product for everyday use. While having a look at Essence's brow products I noticed Make Me Brow. It jumped out at me firstly because of how similar the packaging is to Gimme Brow. The name is obviously rather similar too. Plus, its only £2.50!!
Gimme Brow contains 3g of product and Make Me Brow contains 3.8g, so you are getting more product for a much much smaller price.
Like Gimme Brow, Make Me Brow comes in two shades. I went for the lighter of the two shades as my hair at the minute is a very light, nearly white blonde.