Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Gimme Brow Dupe!!

Whilst on my break at work I nipped into Wilkinsons to see if they had any of my hair dye. Fortunately, me being me, I can't walk into any shop that sells make-up without having a peak at the stands. I headed over to the Essence stand because I do love a bargain. After a couple of minutes staring lustfully at their new nude collection my eyes wandered down to the brow products. 
Since Benefit launched Gimme Brow and I had it put on me at work I have loved it. I have very fair eyebrows with very sparse hairs, so without product they are practically invisible. So when I heard that this product added colour and contained fibres to fill in the brows I just had to have it. 
Naked Brows

I am by no means a brow expert and I know the shape and how I do them could be improved drastically, I'm still getting used to using brow products. Gimme Brow has definitely become my go-to product as it is so easy to use.

However, at £18.50 it is pretty pricey considering I need a product for everyday use. While having a look at Essence's brow products I noticed Make Me Brow. It jumped out at me firstly because of how similar the packaging is to Gimme Brow. The name is obviously rather similar too. Plus, its only £2.50!!
Gimme Brow contains 3g of product and Make Me Brow contains 3.8g, so you are getting more product for a much much smaller price.
Like Gimme Brow, Make Me Brow comes in two shades. I went for the lighter of the two shades as my hair at the minute is a very light, nearly white blonde.

I find that when looking at Gimme Brow the fibres are not visible, but my brows do look noticeably thicker when I am wearing the product. With Make Me Brow the fibres can be seen on the brush. However, after applying, my brows do look thicker like with Gimme Brow but the fibres aren't obvious and it looks natural. 

The brush on Gimme Brow is slightly smaller with the bristles more close together than the Make Me Brow one. I think I prefer the wand on the Gimme Brow as it is easier to use and more precise. For a £16 price difference though it will definitely not stop me using the Make Me Brow as it really isn't that difficult to get right.

Both products look very natural and keeps my brows in place all day. However, Make Me Brow has a more noticeable feel when I touch my brows. It is not uncomfortable to wear or anything like that, my brows just feel a little firmer in comparison to when I have Gimme Brow on.

Colour-wise the Gimme Brow is a bit more ashy, which I imagine could be a downfall for some people. However, I tend to use my brow gel on top of a pencil or powder rather than on its own, so that balances out the colour for me. I don't find it looks too reddish on.
Top: Gimme Brow
Bottom: Make Me Brow

Overall, this is a very good dupe for the price. Yes, its not perfect in comparison to its more expensive double but for the price I am more than happy to use this as an everyday alternative product.
Make Me Brow- After a full days wear

Make Me Brow applied after pencil- After a full days wear.



  1. It looks really good for lasting power! I'm a fan of the rimmel eye brow gel x
    em // emandhan xo
