Monday, 30 March 2015

Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter- The Body Shop

I'm lazy, very lazy.
That's the only way I can really start when it comes to cleansing. Half the time if I remember to take off my make-up at all then it will be a quick run over with a baby wipe or make-up remover wipe. Awful, I know!
Since I became more obsessed with make-up and beauty I have been trying very hard to become more obsessive with my skin care too, and it is working and paying off!

I decided to jump on board with the cleansing balm trend after reading various blog posts and watching youtube videos. I didn't want to spend a fortune at first as I didn't have any idea if I would like this type of cleanser or not.
So I did some research and The Body Shop was probably one of the cheapest I could find. Let me know if I am mistaken but I could not find any drugstore versions of cleansing balms! Anyway, the Camomile Cleansing Butter is £12 full price but The Body Shop has offers on a lot of the time and 10% off for loyalty card holders.

I used my £5 birthday gift from my loyalty card to get a cloth to go with my cleanser as recommended by a member of staff. So I got the £4.50 Luxury Facial Cloth for free. Years ago Mama Martin had a cloth like this one from Virgin Vie (blast from the past I know!) Its hard and not very flexible when dry but when wet its really soft and spongy. 

Cloth is firm when dry
And super soft when wet.

Firstly, I can't believe how clean my face is after using this cleanser. After years of spending ages scrubbing away with a wipe or going through hundreds of cotton wool pads, I am amazed by the difference. You really don't need a lot of product, just a small amount to rub over the face. I find that I only need to do it the once, focussing on the eyes if I have on a lot of eye make-up, then rinsing it off with warm water on my cloth and my face is completely clean. You can see when rinsing the cloth how much dirt it is actually getting off!

Secondly, the one thing I really dislike about using the usual foaming cleansers that I've tried in the past (which puts me off using them so much) is how messy it can be. I somehow end up with water everywhere. When rinsing my face I manage to splash water everywhere, even when using a cloth. 
I think the main difference I've found with my new routine is that the cloth is quite spongy so there is a lot less water dripping everywhere. Also because its so easy to wipe off there is not as much time for me to be soaking the floor.
I realise while writing this that a 24 year old should not find it as difficult as I do to keep the floor dry whilst washing their face. I have no idea what is wrong with me!

One of the main benefits of camomile on the skin is to reduce inflammation. I do not suffer massively from inflammation but this product would be good for people who do, due to its skin healing properties. 
This product would be very good for people with sensitive skin and is contact lens friendly.
I always find that my skin feels lovely and soft when I have used this product which is nice as my skin can get rather dehydrated in certain weather conditions and sometimes cleansers can leave my skin feeling dry and tight. I don't want to have to use extra moisturiser because I have cleansed my skin.

As my introduction to balm cleansers I am very impressed by The Body Shop's effort. In fact I don't think I will bother trying a higher end product for quite some time as I am more than happy with this one. I am truly a balm cleanser convert and how economical they are with my time and effort in comparison to my past cleansing routines. 

What do you think of balm cleansers? Would you recommend any other brands?



  1. I need to try this! I love Body Shop so much, I'm also super lazy too and I'm addicted to my Micellar water at the minute! But sometimes I just need a deeper clean, and I too get more water on the floor than on my face hahah! That cloth looks lovely!

    Nicole ♥

    1. I'm so glad Im not alone in the water disasters! It is really lovely, going to try muslin cloths too for some exfoliation:)
