Monday, 30 March 2015

Spring time nails- Models Own

Even though there is a snow warning here in the North East, it has been feeling a lot more like Spring. The blossom is coming out on the trees, the wind is a lot milder and there is more rain! Although Spring in England can be a bit grim with all the rain it definitely feels a lot brighter and colourful than Winter. With less than a week to go until Easter I decided to try out some really simple but effective Easter Egg inspired nails.

I bought a set of 10 Models Own polishes in the sale at Christmas and considering I don't really use anything other than gel polish I have been really impressed. The set that I got is a selection of colours of the HyperGel gel effect polishes. All of which can still be purchased individually.

As a base I used the colour Lilac Sheen. This is a gorgeous pastel purple. I was really pleased with the pigmentation in this colour. Normally pale colours need a good few coats but this one was nearly opaque with just one coat. I did add a second coat though to neaten up a bit.

To create my dots I used a dotting tool that I got in a set I bought on Amazon years ago. Any dotting tool would work though. If you don't have a dotting tool cocktail sticks or anything a similar shape would work. You could also use various sized tools to create different sized spots on the nails.

The first colour I used for my dots was Turquoise Gloss, a pastel mint green shade. Next I used Cornflower Gleam, a very pale blue. The final colour I used is a gorgeous purple. However, I do think that this bottle is labelled wrong as it says it is called Red Alert but on the website it looks closest to the colour Purple Glare, and it is not red!!

Use any base or top coat you feel like and you have pretty pastel Spring time nails. 
I focussed the majority of the dots on the top of my nails but you could do them all over or have them graduated from the base of the nails.

What colours would you pair together for a Spring nail look? Can you recommend any other gel effect polishes?



  1. Your nails look amazing! Great colours xx

    That Girl Rhianna

    1. Thank you :) I do love a good pastel colour scheme!
